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Work Program FAQs

How do I apply to participate in the work program? 
The work program application is available on our website. Submit the completed form to Tiffani Mayes via email – or drop off at Tornados.

What is needed to join the work program on weekends? 
You will need to apply for your Food Handler’s Card.  You can apply @ The cost is $10 and is good for 2 years.  Once this is completed, please email a copy of your card to

Who do I contact for work opportunities?
The contact person for work opportunities - Tiffani Mayes via

When is my application due? 
In order to be considered for the most work opportunities possible you will need to submit your completed work program application no later than December 01, 2023. There will be a meeting on October 11, 2023 and an additional meeting immediately following the mandatory parent meeting.  Work program applications will be accepted after this date but there may be limited work opportunities available at the time of your submission.

Who can participate in the work program?
Anyone can participate in the work program as long as you are 15yrs old or over. However, we must know to which player account you would like your work credits applied.

Is there a minimum or maximum number of hours required to participate?
No, you may work as little as one hour or as many as is available. Although, weekend shifts may require you to work a set number of hours.

When do work opportunities start?
Work program opportunities this season begins October 14, 2023 and ends June 30, 2024.

How are work program positions assigned/scheduled? 
Availability notices are sent the month prior, listing upcoming events.  It is your responsibility to check your emails for opportunities.  Although you may submit that you are available, it isn’t a guarantee that you will work that day or days depending on how many are available on those days.  The work program positions are assigned by Tiffani Mayes for the upcoming events.  Most events schedules are sent to Tornados by Tuesday for Volleyball and Thursday for Basketball. You will be notified of the schedule via email.

When will I know that I have been assigned a work position? 
You will be notified of the schedule via email the week of the event.

What do I do when I show up to work?
For weekend work, your instructions will be included in the email that generates the schedule and job for that shift.  Anything scheduled for the weekday, you should get complete details on what to do upon arrival. Then you must sign in on the designated sheet and include the player’s name and team for which you are working.

What happens if I am unable to make it to my scheduled work commitment?
If you are unable to make your work program commitment you must provide at least 48-hour notice in order to avoid the penalty of being dropped from the work program. NO EXCEPTIONS! If you fail to give notice and fail to show up to your work program commitment you will immediately be removed from the work program and any scheduled future work program opportunities. 

What is the pay rate for work program jobs?
$10 per hour for players. $12 per hour for parents

How do my earnings get applied?
All work credits earned will be applied to the invoice on your account and will continue to be applied to the outstanding balance until the account is current or paid in full. If you have a balance with the club, all time worked will go towards your credits.

When will my work credits earned appear on my account? 
All work credits earned are posted to your account on the following week that you were scheduled to work. Depending on days of the week they may be posted as close to these dates as possible. Any questions regarding your credits can be emailed to KC @  

Do I still need to make my monthly payments while participating in the work program?
YES! While participating in the work program you are still responsible for paying the monthly dues on your account in full by the due date designated each month.  Any account with a balance may result in your athlete not participating in practice and/or tournaments.

What happens if I work in excess of the amount needed to pay off my account? 
If the work credits earned ever exceed the amount required to pay off your account you will be cut a check for the excess amount earned or you may leave it as a credit on your account. Any individual who receives earnings in excess of $600 in one calendar year will be issued a 1099 for income tax purposes.

Tryout FAQs

When are Tornados club tryouts?
Tryouts are typically in early July, and dates may vary based on the end of the Girls' Junior National Championships. We highly recommend you be present for your age group tryouts to ensure accurate team placement. For more information or to register for tryouts online, please visit our website at
There are particular situations for early evaluations; however, we do not place early evaluations until the day of their actual age group tryouts, and early assessments are by appointment only. 
How many teams does Tornados expect to have for the upcoming season?
Tornados have projected to have twenty teams for the upcoming season. More teams may be added or reduced based on tryout numbers.

Three 12 & under teams
Three 13 & under teams
Three 14 & under teams
Three 15 & under teams
Three 16 & under teams
Three 17 & under teams
Two 18 & under

Is it difficult to make a Tornado team if you are new to the club?
We believe anyone can make any team if they attend our in-person tryouts. We keep an open mind to anyone wanting to try out with us. We know it can be scary to try out somewhere you're not familiar with, so we try to keep it as neutral as possible.  Please remember that Tornados is a business; our job is to try and field the most competitive teams to compete on a National level Girls Junior National Championships in the summer. We treat each season as a clean slate for all athletes. Players develop and mature at different times, so we evaluate all new and returning players equally.  We are loyal to our players and families and feel that it is their position to lose if they return. If an available spot comes down to two players of the same talent level, tornados will retain our players first. However, we would select accordingly if a new player is better than a returning player. It is imperative to understand that Competition is a part of life; players must earn their team placement and playing time, as it is never guaranteed. We want people to feel comfortable with their decisions. Your decision about which club to play for is more about finding the right fit for your player's style and what feels right to each family.
How is team placement determined?
Our 12 and under players undergo skills testing for club selection at the initial tryout. 13's-18 go through game-like situations, and we evaluate their positions by skill sets, coachability, attitude, effort, and performance. We have a tryout director, master coaches, club coaches assisting with this process, and club directors evaluating players so we can form teams that day. 
When do you find out if you made a team?
Players in the 12 and under age groups will be selected for either our tumbleweeds program (developmental) or deemed ready for the club. 12 & under tryouts will determine the player's overall skill and maturity level. If assigned to the club, players must attend our club academy in the fall to be re-evaluated and placed on teams in late September or early October. Club academy will run from September through the start of the club season. You must also complete your participation agreement paperwork and pay your deposit to ensure your spot in the club.

We select Players in the 13s-18s and under age groups immediately following their age group tryouts. These age groups are typically much more extensive and require more time to deliberate. Throughout tryouts, our staff will meet, discuss players, and make team selections. We will then start calling teams once teams have been decided. Due to back-to-back tryouts and time constraints, you will be notified if you do not make a team. If selected and accepting your team placement, you must complete the participation agreement and pay your deposit before leaving our facility to ensure your position in the club. TORNADOS WILL NOT HOLD SPOTS.

When does the club season begin and end?
Club season officially begins mid-November. We usually use the week before Thanksgiving to have one week of initial team practices, take the following week off for Thanksgiving, and start official team practices the week after The holiday. Depending on regionals, the season ends for local, semi-travel, and travel teams at the end of April or the first week in May.

Travel teams end mid-June - early July due to Nationals. *18's age group will wrap up at the end of March if they do not qualify for Nationals. They will participate in GJNC at the end of April if they qualify. Qualifying for 18-GJNC is an additional cost and will be billed separately from your regular season fees unless chosen as part of your regular season schedule. 
What training programs do you offer to prepare for the club season?
Tornados offer programs at their Training facility in the late summer and early fall months. We offer lessons, skills, team camps, summer league, and open gym opportunities.  These programs are available for all players inside and outside our volleyball club.
After labor day, we will provide team and individual lessons, position training, and skills clinics to all non-varsity players. These programs will be available for all tornado players and run by our tornado club staff.
What is the team ranking order at tornados?
Adidas is our top team, national is our second team, black is our third team, and Teal is our fourth team.

What are the different competition levels offered at tornados?
We offer four levels for our 12's-17's:

  • Local teams that compete in the greater Houston area only (12b, 13b)
  • Semi-Travel teams that compete locally and in-state only (12n, 13n, 14b, 15b)
  • Travel teams that compete locally, in-state and out-of-state (16b, 17n, 17b)
  • National teams that compete locally, in-state, out-of-state, and compete nationally. (12a, 13a, 14a, 14n, 15a, 15n, 16a, 16n) 

Developmental teams are a great way to introduce volleyball to younger players in a competitive environment. We offer a Tumbleweeds Developmental Program. This program offers two separate sessions to compete in a total of 6 tournaments. Session one starts at the end of September and ends the first week in December. Session two begins at the beginning of January and ends the first week in March. Tumbleweeds practice once a week with one coach for $600 per session. There is a discount for the winter session if you play in the fall.
12s-17s team competition levels
Local teams have eight tournaments in the greater Houston area only. They also practice twice a week and have one coach.

Semi-travel teams have nine to ten tournaments and compete in the greater Houston area and a few within the state. They also practice twice a week and have one coach and a floating training coach at practices and qualifiers.

Travel teams have ten tournaments and compete in the greater Houston area, in-state, and out-of-state. They also practice two times a week with two coaches for high-profile tournaments and out-of-state qualifiers and one for practices with a floating training coach. 

National teams have ten to twelve tournaments and compete in the greater Houston area, in-state, and out-of-state. These teams must attend a summer national tournament and practice twice a week with two coaches for high-profile tournaments. 
18s teams have eight tournaments and compete in the greater Houston area, in-state and out-of-state; They practice two times a week and have two coaches.

Club dues will vary depending on Age and Level of Play. Please refer to the fee schedule or check the website for more information. You must keep a credit card on file with the club, and player accounts must be in good standing to compete in practice and tournaments.

Tornados will process payments once you verbally accept a position in the club. (You must pay a $650 deposit at tryouts, which is part of the total fee). The remaining balance is broken into monthly payments and set up by our club finance manager. 
Is playing time guaranteed?
No, playing time is earned through practice and competitive play. Playing time factors will be determined by skill level, coachability, attitude, effort level, focus, drive, aggressiveness, how you respond to mistakes, team chemistry, volleyball Iq and aptitude.

You are paying for training time, not playing time, so please help your child understand what is required of her to be a good teammate.

Players must figure out how to go after what they want and not expect it because they show up. If we do not allow them to learn this valuable lesson on their own, they will struggle when they do not get their way. Our struggles help us figure out what we want and are willing to do to achieve our goals. These things help us understand that we must be comfortable with being uncomfortable at times.

You will not always agree with people or their decisions. However, if you don't like it, then it is your job to prove them wrong. Players cannot achieve this by shutting down, quitting, or pouting when they do not like the outcome. If you don't like where you are, don't talk about it, do something about it! Energy in is energy out.

How do you register for tryouts at tornados?
We announce our summer programs and tryouts around Spring Break time through mailers, our website, and social media. You can register for tryouts through our website at There is a $65.00 tryout fee, and it is non-refundable. You will receive a confirmation email once you register. The tryout fee is $75.00 for walk-ups and $120.00 for private evaluations.

Facility FAQs

Where Can I Park?

  • Tornados parking lot
  • Wheat Cross Drive in the allowed parking areas. Please pay attention to the street signs of when and where you can park and watch out for pedestrians.  This is a busy street.
  • Trucks or SUVs can park by the building exit and street sign in the gravel area. 
  • In the parking spaces at the daycare, but do not block their entrance into the building. 

Where Can I Not Park?

  • No Parking under the Porte’ Cache at the Daycare in front of our building (their CLEANING CREW NEEDS TO BE ABLE TO ACCESS THEIR BUILDING).
  • No Parking at Goforth Park (They lock their gates at dusk),  
  • Do not block or park on the corners of the entrance/exit to the dispatch center behind the Texas Tornados Building. (they need to be able to get their ambulance out).
  • Do not park in marked handicapped or fire lane spaces, or create your own parking space (non-marked) and block other vehicles in, or you will be towed at the owner's expense.
  • Do not park at the church across the street.
  • Please don't park in any surrounding neighborhoods. Those areas are reserved for the homeowners and their guests.
  • Do not park at the Assisted Living building across the street.
  • Do not park in any of the reserved parking spaces at Texas Tornados. We have parents who paid for these parking spots.

What are TTVB Facility Rules?

  • Please do not leave any valuables in your car. Please put them in your trunk or bring them inside with you. Texas Tornados WILL NOT BE LIABLE for any negligence or damage to your vehicle.
  • No coolers, outside food, or drinks are allowed inside the facility when the snack bar is open; per health department requirements, Players' are allowed to have their water bottles with a sealed lid. 
  • We ask that all players hang their backpacks on the wall to free up the walkways for seating and emergencies.
  • Please utilize the courts at the agreed-upon times.  Only players and coaches will be allowed on the wood courts. 
  • Spectators are also kindly asked to leave the playing area when their child is finished playing, or their team is officiating to create enough space for the next team's parents to sit courtside. Thank you! 
  • All service animals must have proper paperwork to be allowed in the building.
  • All children attending the tournament must always be supervised by their parent/legal guardian. Texas Tornados assumes no responsibility for injuries due to lack of supervision.
  • The event's designated person must be present and available at all reserved times.
  • Report all spills or cleanups immediately to a Texas Tornado manager on duty.
  • No alcoholic beverages are allowed inside or outside the facility unless special permission is granted.  If serving alcohol, then you must provide a permit and security.
  • We reserve the right to remove anyone using profanity, not complying with Texas Tornados Training Facility rules, or displaying abusive behavior from the premises. 
  • Designated walkways inside the facility must be kept clear for emergencies.
  • You must purchase a ticket to be allowed into the facility. Tickets are available online at and or are sold at the door. Event Tickets are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children under 12 and senior citizens.
  • Spectators who purchase an online ticket will be allowed into the building before cash-paying customers. Therefore, we strongly encourage buying tickets early to make entry smoother.
  • No firearms or knives are allowed in the building.

Tournament FAQs

All coaches, players, officials, and tournament staff may enter the facility at 7:00am, through the Pro Shop door.

What Is Your COVID-19 Policy?

You will not be allowed into the gym area if:

  • You are presenting with Cough, shortness of breath, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, feeling feverish or temp above 100 degrees.
  • You have had known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19 unless they have proof of a negative test result.

If Any of the above apply – PLEASE DON’T COME TO THE FACILITY!

How Do I Buy Tickets?

The following Texas Tornados hosted volleyball tournaments, and or events, will have advanced on-line ticket sales available through, for the following tournaments: Tumbleweed Tournaments, Tornados Tournaments, FAST Warm-up, H-Town Showdown, AAU Grand Prix, Tour of Texas Finals).

Go to and search for the event that you wish to attend. Make sure that you select the correct facility if there is more than one playing venue. Each playing site has their own separate spectator fees and nontransferable. Please have your QR code ready to scan when you get to the playing venue. All pre-sale digital tickets will be allowed into the facility at 7:15 am and cash tickets can enter at 7:30 am, through the main entrance.

On-line Streaming: Texas Tornados provides continuous streaming for $15.00 a day. Go to and click on the provided link on the home page and follow the instructions. You must set up an account to access.

  • The benches will have enough room for coaches/staff to sit only. Players must stand at the end of the bench.
  • There will be no warm-up outside of the volleyball courts.

What Are the Spectator Rules/Expectations?

  • Spectators will not switch sides. If a spectator’s team is not playing, they must remove themselves from the playing area to make room for the participating teams.
  • Spectators may bring in their own chairs, but you must stay between the two orange lines. We ask that all spectators whose teams are not playing, to please remove yourself and your chair for the participating teams. If you are an officiating team or off, then you can sit against the wall or outside, as long as you are not blocking the walkways or emergency exits.
  • All children under 12 must be supervised at all times. Parents will be responsible for all damages done to the equipment and facility, so we ask that they stay with you at all times.
  • Good sportsmanship and respect are expected by all.
  • Absolutely no pets are allowed inside the facility, unless you have proper documentation, and it is for medical reasons.
  • No firearms, pocketknives, or weapons of any kind are allowed.

What Are the Facility Rules?

For all events hosted at Texas Tornados Training Facility the doors will open at the following times:

60 minutes prior to the event start time for Coaches / Players / Officials / Tournament Staff. 45 minutes prior to the event start time for Spectators who purchased Pre-Sale Tickets on-line. 30 minutes prior to the event start time for Spectators who are purchasing tickets the day of the event - CASH ONLY

  • No coolers of any kind will be permitted into the building. No OUTSIDE food or drink will be permitted into the building. You may eat food purchased from the Tornados concession stand in the concreted areas, concession area, and outside. No eating at the officiating tables or on the wood courts. Please pick up behind yourselves.
  • Only players are permitted to bring in bottled water and sports drink. You may not bring in cases of any of the above items.
  • No ball handling anywhere in the facility, accept the volleyball courts.
  • Please refrain from climbing or sitting on any facility equipment.
  • No unsupervised children in the building at ANY time.
  • This is a non-smoking building.
  • Emergency exits are for emergencies only!
  • Outside seating is allowed. Chairs will be allowed in the facility, but they must be taken out when the tournament is over, or they will be considered Tornados property and/or donated if left behind. You may not block entrances or exits or sit at the ends of the volleyball courts. There must be a clear walkway in case of emergencies. If you are asked to move, please do so and respect the facilities procedures or you will be asked to leave.
  • Any unattended items left in your vehicles will not be the responsibility of Texas Tornados Training Facility or Texas Tornados Volleyball Club.
  • To ensure your car is not towed please make sure you have not parked in an area that says no parking, that is painted red, or that is a fire zone. PLEASE DO NOT park at Goforth Park or the Church across the street.
  • You may set up tables in the DESIGNATED areas outside ONLY. Please throw all trash in the provided trashcans or dumpsters by the sand courts.
  • Texas Tornados reserves the right to refuse service to anyone that does not comply with these rules or disrespects the facility rules, Tournament Officials, Tournament Staff or Tournament Director.